Marie-Hélène is an NVivo Certified Platinum Trainer and is a member of the NVivo Core Trainer Team who teaches the NVivo online courses. Her clinical work led her to research the harm that INGOs can do in the name of doing good when imposing Western paradigms in culturally and politically different contexts. A clinician by training, she worked as a mental health officer in humanitarian missions for MSF, MDM and UNWRA in psychosocial aid programs for survivors of war trauma in East Africa and the Middle East. She was educated in Quebec, Beirut and Oxford where she read social work. They must have the proper rules and policy to ensure the transparency and adequate information will disperse accordingly.Marie-Hélène teaches qualitative research methods at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) and is a freelance methodologist in qualitative data analysis. In future research, the four newspapers should be free while reporting in order to have useful issues deliver to the public. The findings based on Agenda Setting Theory indicates that the company shareholders and the newspaper editors had a heavy influence on the news reporting made by the four newspapers studied. The latter newspaper, however, was favourable in its reports on the Pakatan Rakyat political party. In terms of differences in how the four daily newspapers featuring equality issue most prominently displayed on different ideologies and views. The finding shows that the most prominent issue is about candidates. The emerging issues were found consists of government formation, education, candidates, ethnic, elections, media, ruling party, Pakatan Rakyat, development, religion and security. The study using the tree nodes analysis technique and the findings through qualitative analysis reveals 11 issues and three themes from the newspapers studied. Agenda Setting Theory was used as the theoretical framework underlying this research.

Thus, this study was conducted to identify issues featured in Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian, Harakah and Suara Keadilan as well as the differences in the issues presented by the four newspapers during the Parliament Permatang Pauh election campaign period in 2008. Therefore, the way of information disseminate and issues deliver by them will enhance the fruitful in political landscape in Malaysia.

The usage of media through be-election can be a signal to political parties to plan their strategies and manifesto in future election. It is due to political change in Malaysian general election in 2008. Nowadays, media seems to be important indicator in general election.