Covert Pervert: For all the prince charming vibes Saber gives off, the Hanafuda scenario for Team Prototype in the 2012 re-release of Fate/stay night reveals that he's something of a pervert as he's rather enthusiastic about seeing Ayaka naked in the hot springs.Lancer: Well, theyre both airheads, after all. Both Ayaka and Lancer snark at him for this. When Manaka describes what she'll do with Saber via innuendo laced dialogue, Saber tells her that's he prepared for her revenge but then says that a girl her age shouldn't say such dirty words and that she should be more heroine like. In the Hanafuda scenario for Team Prototype, the team eventually encounters Manaka as the final boss. Comically Missing the Point: Part of what makes him a ditz.Chick Magnet: He gains the affections of Brynhild, Manaka, and Ayaka.Humorously, Prototype Merlin also shares the same voice actor as his Altria, who is Arthur's Fate/Stay Night Gender Flip. Casting Gag: Shares the same voice actor as the Fate/Stay Night incarnation of Merlin.Bodyguard Betrayal: After seeing firsthand Manaka's atrocities in the first Holy Grail War, Saber's response was to kill her immediately.

Blow You Away: Invisible Air has the ability to do this.She later manages to get him back with the help of Lancer. Badass in Distress: At some point during Prototype, he's stolen away from Ayaka by Sancraid Phahn and turned into Saber Alter.He started out much more similar to her, however, before the young Ayaka made him understand that he didn't need to spend his days mourning his Britain and trying to undo the past. The Anti-Nihilist: Saber is overflowing with hope and determination, and is sworn to fight for protection of the world's future, making him a rather stark contrast than how F/SN-Saber was.He is also one of the two main characters of Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver, where it details Saber's experiences in the first Tokyo Holy Grail War as the Servant of Ayaka's older sister, Manaka Sajyou. A heroic individual with a strong sense of justice, he has made it his personal mission to protect Ayaka during the events of the second Tokyo Holy Grail War. His true name is Arthur Pendragon, the legendary King of Knights who once ruled over the Kingdom of Camelot, but fell to betrayal thanks to the schemes of his half-sister Morgan and offspring Mordred.