
Electra heart m4a
Electra heart m4a

electra heart m4a

  • In E.V.O.L, Marina mentions her Romeo - and how she wants to be a suicide blonde.
  • "Dear Diary" and "Soda Pop" by Britney Spears get a shout out in "Bubblegum Bitch".
  • electra heart m4a

    She herself is a Broken Bird who doesn't think she'll ever find happiness in love.

    electra heart m4a electra heart m4a

    Serial Homewrecker: The song "Homewrecker" is from the perspective of a woman who jets between relationships, breaking up her lovers' marriages in the process, before moving on to the next one and leaving the previous lover brokenhearted.Self-Backing Vocalist: She harmonizes with herself in "Starring Role" and "Valley of the Dolls".Rock Star Song: "Teen Idle," "Primadonna," etc.It also symbolizes how Electra's life went by before "dying" as Marina ended promotion at the same time for the album with a tweet saying "Goodbye, Electra Heart!". Recap Episode: The music video for "Electra Heart", the final part of the music video series for the eponymous album.The Muse: Britney Spears inspired the Electra Heart project.A Central Theme of the album is female core identity and archetypes. Meaningful Name: Her name is Electra Heart.Ironic Name: Electra Heart is a heartless bitch.Exactly What It Says on the Tin and then some. Housewife: The so-named Housewife character.Eagleland: Commentary on archetypal ideas of women in the USA.'I saw that album more as a musical a sort of flamboyant, tongue-in-cheek, dark pop record, a pop opera, and humour was a very big component of it.' Electra Heart (2012) is the second studio album by Welsh Singer-Songwriter Marina Diamandis (then known by the. Downer Ending: Electra Heart is Driven to Suicide. Wear your heart on your cheek, but never on your sleeve.Concept Album: Electra Heart is about different facets of the female psyche, told through the perspective of a lonely young woman (who is clearly seriously mentally ill and suicidal).Camp: As Marina herself has described the record, it's very flamboyant.Ambition Is Evil: invoked Word of God says that "Electra" is her meditation on the negative effects of fame and fortune.The last track, "Fear and Loathing", discusses the trope the most, with lines like, "Got different people inside my head / I wonder which one that they like best." Marina assumes these personas throughout the album as she explore the negative aspects of each. Alter-Ego Acting: One of the major themes of "Electra Heart" is the Archetypes: Su-Barbie-A, Homewrecker, Primadonna, and Teen Idle.

    Electra heart m4a